Looking For Your Face In The Crowd After You Died
I scanned the faces of many but to my disappointment, I could not find you.
"A Bereaved Mother's Dream"
In the early months after you suddenly left this world, I remember searching for you... seeking you out among the many faces that crossed my path. I would look for your sweeping hair, when a young man walked towards me, or a glimpse of your radiant blue eyes.
I found myself scanning the bodies, to see if there was a hidden teenager, nestled in the droves of kids that hung out by the school yard. I even cascaded looks towards the little boys, to see if in some miraculous way, you had reincarnated and became someone else's joy to behold.
One day, as I sat in a fast food restaurant, I spotted a boy that I was sure resembled you. I could not take my eyes off of him, as he waited in line to order. I sat in my seat mezmerized at this young lad, that had the same blonde hair and stature of you. From the back, I could imagine that it really was you and that I waited patiently for you to come and join me after retrieving your food.
My heart sank after my little fantasy imploded when the boy turned around, looked directly at me without a flinch of recognition and walked out the door.
I did find one young man, that hooked up with one of your friends, and I was quite sure she must have seen the resemblance to you. I never approached her on the matter, but in my mind, I wondered if that is why she took to this guy, as I had known of a crush between you and her shortly before you left this world.
Over the years, I have ceased my search in the crowd of faces, as I know your spirit has moved on from residing in this world. I remain very connected to you, and I know you are continuing your journey, as will all of us when our ticket is due for entry. Knowing this, gives me great comfort, as I am confident we will be together on that glorious day of reunion.
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She is the Founder of The Solution Wizard Company that is dedicated to assisting individuals in overcoming challenges that face society every day.
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