Grief - The Hole That Never Heals

Emptiness is a part of grief that never truly heals.

There will always be a void that forever stays open like a gaping wound.

Losing a loved one is something that one never gets "over".  There are reminders everywhere that a physical presence is missing... a longing for their voice, laughter, or simply their company.

There are many aspects of grief that can never be repaired, even when one completely believes in the afterlife and realizes that spirit lives on after death.  When left in the world of matter, we have to live with the fact that someone is missing from our lives.  It is a pain that will always leave a gnawing sentiment, even when we are surrounded by joy and happiness for present events that are happening in our realities.

I've learned to survive the emotional turmoil, and the majority of time, I am confident and ambitious towards a bright future; however, even years later, the circumstances of my son's absence hits me like a woodpile toppling over on top of me.  My loss remains heavy and my world seems damaged, even among the things I am grateful for and pursuing.

I have come to a level of acceptance for the circumstances I am forced to live under, but the undeniable void that his presence has left me with, cannot be altered, even during our beautiful mental connections that we have relied on to get us both through the transition of being apart.

I will continue on my journey of healing from this place of observation, and know that I am being challenged to examine aspects of my inner core that could not have been taught without the insistence of emptiness that at times encases my broken existence.

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