What Should You Eat When Grieving?

Your body continues to require nourishment during the suffering of loss. Blocked emotions can interrupt the signals from your body to stay healthy during grief. eBooks on Food When you've lost someone dear to you, it is easy to get into the habit of not being aware of what foods you are consuming. Some people will lose their appetite, and not eat regularly, which causes not only weight loss, but lack of much needed energy that propels you through the grieving process. On the flip side, some individuals who are struggling with grief, may turn to food as a comfort, and their intake of sugars and carbs becomes excessive. This not only leads to an increase in body fat, and weight gain, but also can lead to more emotional upheavals when your body is not getting the nutrients it needs. It is pertinent that you consume a variety of healthy foods, even when you are feeling low, so that your body doesn't spike from one extreme to another. It is helpfu...