Showing posts from 2019
Losing a Loved One By Impaired Driving - THE REAL TRUTH
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Personalized Grief Meditations to Help Heal Grief
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COPING METHOD TO HELP HEAL GRIEF Grief Sucks... Plain and simple. The only thing we want, we can’t have. If there was anything we could wish for in the entire universe, it would be to have our loved one back. We wish for a result that can never be. During grief, you may experience overwhelming sadness, anxiety, confusion, foggy memory, uncontrollable sobbing, appetite and sleep pattern changes, social isolation... These are just a few of the symptoms of dealing with loss and they will leave you feeling alone, helpless and drained – emotionally and physically. Grief is such a lonely journey, as you really do have to manage it on your own. You may have supportive family, friends, and professionals, but ultimately, you have to swim through the tides by yourself. The waves can come without notice and drop you to your knees. Grief will have you clawing at your core, just to rid yourself of the hurt and anguish. There will be times when the pain is so r...
Living Your Life Beyond the Mask
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Grief can upset the equilibrium of your daily life. It seems as though some days you are on top of the world and you think to yourself, “I’ve got this!” In the next moment, a wave of self-sabotaging thoughts penetrate every crevasse of your mind and all you want to do is slink down into a pile of self loathing mud. It’s strange how we even survive sometimes. I have the faith of a bull moose when it comes to believing in the afterlife but the ongoing pain of missing someone so terribly can be overwhelming. What I wouldn’t give to just have things back to normal, the way they used to be. You know, the time when you thought you had problems. Whew! Those issues don’t even come close to the devastation your heart feels when someone is literally ripped out of your life. You try to imagine how things would be different if they were just here and after this ordeal of living with grief, there isn’t much that you can’t handle. All ...