A Moment Of Joy... Within The Journey Of Grief

To some, it may not seem possible that one could live through the loss of a child, and still experience joy... I have been walking the struggle of grief since 2015, and in some moments I allow my thoughts to wallow in solitude of all that I have lost. I let my stomach churn at the detriment of the future I must live, without the physical presence of my son... I wilt in desolation at the fading memories of times when my children were young, when the thought of death eluded me. I had no clue what was in store, as I would have counted my minutes ever so slowly, had I known they would be short-lived with my son. Eighteen years is a drop in the bucket of life, and every instance I spent with my son seems so obscure now, as the time forces its ugly prey against my mind. He will forever be alive and content in my heart, even when age washes the details of our encounters ever so slightly as time erodes the miraculous moments we spent together. ...